Fourth of July is probably my favorite holiday. I have the best memories of the 4th from my childhood. Watching the fireworks in Washington DC on the steps of the capital, pops concerts at Carney Park in Naples Italy, and numerous celebrations at Air Force Bases all over the world. For such a "small west Texas town" San Angelo does a bang up job on the fourth. The San Angelo symphony puts on a pops concert on the 3rd of July. It is a fabulous celebration drawing crowds of up to 60,000 people. Making it the 3rd largest 4th of July celebration in the state. On the actual 4th of July the city does a fireworks display at lake Nasworthy as well as colts stadium. This year we went to the pops concert with Ryan's sister Amy and her family, a friend of Amy's from nursing school and Russ ... Ryan's boss at Dyncorp who is now officially part of the family as the girls have deemed him "uncle Russ" Here are some of the best pictures from our weekend.

Me, Amy and my nephew Jacob

Amy and two of her three kidos Jacob and Seirra

Lanie bug wearing daddy's goofy hat

My brother in law Eric and my niece Megan

This is the best picture of the girls I have gotten in a long time

Naomi , Jacob, Megan, Sierra, and Jade ( Lanie refused to be in the picture)

Ryan and Lanie

Naomi and I

Ryan, Lanie, and Russ being super silly